98 research outputs found

    Modeling of Direct Current Grid Equipment for the Simulation and Analysis of Electromagnetic Transients

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    RÉSUMÉ Les transmissions à base de courant continu sont capables de répondre mieux que les transmissions traditionnelles à base de courant alternatif aux enjeux de nos jours tels que l’intégration des énergies renouvelables, les difficultés avec l’installation des nouvelles lignes aériennes pour les raisons socio-environnementaux, la gestion des flux de puissance sur le réseau électrique. Ceci est grâce aux systèmes de contrôle performants et rapides, à un niveau de fiabilité accrue des composants utilisés, à l’efficacité énergétique des technologies de pointe, telles que les convertisseurs modulaires multiniveaux (Modular Multilevel Converter ou MMC en anglais). Ces avantages ont contribué à une croissance rapide du nombre de transmissions à courant continu à travers le monde dans les dernières années, avec les plans d’établir des réseaux multi-terminaux d’un niveau supérieur aux réseaux électriques traditionnels dans le but de les renforcer. Les outils de simulation numériques sont nécessaires pour faciliter et accélérer la mise en œuvre de ce type de projets d’envergure. Ils permettent d’analyser et d’étudier les systèmes électriques de plus en plus complexes et par conséquent d’éviter les problèmes opérationnels, d’augmenter la fiabilité et l’efficacité des réseaux électriques. La complexité accrue des réseaux électriques modernes qui contiennent les composants à base de l’électronique de puissance tels que les liaisons à courant continu exige une recherche sur les outils de simulation et les modèles avancés. Ainsi, cette thèse se focalise sur le développement d’un cadre pour les simulations précises et rapides des liaisons à courant continu. À la suite d’une revue de la littérature il est démontré que la modélisation des MMCs a un impact particulièrement important sur la précision et l’accélération des simulations et par conséquent une grande partie de cette thèse est dédiée aux différentes méthodes pour réduire le temps de simulation et améliorer la précision des résultats dans les études avec les MMCs. Le cœur du sujet commence par la présentation de la modélisation des MMC hybrides et leurs systèmes de contrôle. Les modèles sont classés en quatre catégories selon le niveau de précision : le modèle détaillé permet de représenter les non-linéarités au niveau des composants semiconducteurs.----------ABSTRACT Compared to the traditional alternating current technology-based electrical grids, High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission systems can more effectively respond to the challenges of the modern power grid related to the integration of renewable energy sources, difficulty to install new overhead lines due to socio-environmental reasons, and power flow management. This is mainly due to high performance of control systems, fast response times, reliable components and energy efficiency of the state-of-the-art HVDC technologies of today, such as the Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC). These advantages have contributed to the rapid growth in the number of HVDC projects in recent years with plans of having overlay HVDC grids that can reinforce the existing electrical grids. To facilitate and accelerate the implementation of large-scale HVDC projects, it is required to use numerical simulation tools. Such tools allow to perform advanced analysis of involved electrical systems for preventing operating problems, increasing robustness and efficiency in power grids. The increased level of complexity of modern power grids with power electronics-based components, such as HVDC, requires research on advanced simulation tools and models. Therefore, this thesis aims to develop a framework allowing for accurate modeling and fast simulations of HVDC projects. After analysis of existing literature, the areas with high potential impact on accuracy and acceleration of electromagnetic transient simulations are found, and it is the modeling of MMCs that is considered in this thesis. Thus, a significant part of this thesis is dedicated to research on efficient modeling techniques that allow to reduce simulation time and improve accuracy for MMC-based HVDC systems. The modeling aspects and control systems of hybrid MMCs are presented first. The MMC models used in electromagnetic transient simulations are grouped into four categories. The detailed model represents the nonlinear current-voltage characteristics of semiconductor switches. The detailed equivalent model represents the switches as two-value resistances: a small value for the closed state and a large value for the open state. The arm equivalent model assumes all capacitors in each arm have identical voltages, so a single equivalent capacitor is used to represent the whole arm, thus greatly reducing the computational burden of the model

    Multi-scale magnetic field structures in an expanding elongated plasma cloud with hot electrons subject to an external magnetic field

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    We carry out 3D and 2D PIC-simulations of the expansion of a magnetized plasma that initially uniformly fills a half-space and contains a semi-cylindrical region of heated electrons elongated along the surface of the plasma boundary. This geometry is related, for instance, to the ablation of a plane target by a femtosecond laser beam under quasi-cylindrical focusing. We find that the decay of the inhomogeneous plasma--vacuum discontinuity is strongly affected by an external magnetic field parallel to its boundary. We observe various transient phenomena, including the anisotropic scattering of electrons and the accompanying Weibel instability, and reveal various spatial structures of the arising magnetic field and current, including multiple flying apart filaments of a z-pinch type and slowly evolving current sheets with different orientations. The magnitude of the self-generated magnetic field can be of the order of or significantly exceed that of the external one. Such phenomena are expected in the laser and cosmic plasmas, including the explosive processes in the planetary magnetospheres and stellar coronal arches.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to JP

    Magnetic arms of NGC6946 traced in the Faraday cubes at low radio frequencies

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    Magnetic fields in galaxies exist on various spatial scales. Large-scale magnetic fields are thought to be generated by the αΩ\alpha-\Omega dynamo. Small-scale galactic magnetic fields (1 kpc and below) can be generated by tangling the large-scale field or by the small-scale turbulent dynamo. The analysis of field structures with the help of polarized radio continuum emission is hampered by the effect of Faraday dispersion (due to fluctuations in magnetic field and/or thermal electron density) that shifts signals from large to small scales. At long observation wavelengths large-scale magnetic fields may become invisible, as in the case of spectro-polarimetric data cube of the spiral galaxy NGC~6946 observed with the Westerbork Radio Synthesis Telescope in the wavelength range 17-23 cm. The application of RM Synthesis alone does not overcome this problem. We propose to decompose the Faraday data cube into data cubes at different spatial scales by a wavelet transform. Signatures of the `magnetic arms' observed in NGC~6946 at shorter wavelengths become visible. Our method allows us to search for large-scale field patterns in data cubes at long wavelengths, as provided by new-generation radio telescopes.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Update on beam-plasma interaction research at PPPL

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    We have performed experimental and theoretical studies of beam neutralization by background plasma. Near-complete space-charge neutralization is required for the transverse compression of highperveance ion beams for ion-beam-driven warm dense matter experiments and heavy ion fusion..

    Closing the gap between training needs and training provision in addiction medicine

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    Substance use disorders pose a significant global social and economic burden. Although effective interventions exist, treatment coverage remains limited. The lack of an adequately trained workforce is one of the prominent reasons. Recent initiatives have been taken worldwide to improve training, but further efforts are required to build curricula that are internationally applicable. We believe that the training needs of professionals in the area have not yet been explored in sufficient detail. We propose that a peer-led survey to assess those needs, using a standardised structured tool, would help to overcome this deficiency. The findings from such a survey could be used to develop a core set of competencies which is sufficiently flexible in its implementation to address the specific needs of the wide range of professionals working in addiction medicine worldwide.J.K. is supported by funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 701698.S

    Ion implantation in β-Ga2O3 : Physics and technology

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    Gallium oxide, and in particular its thermodynamically stable β-Ga2O3 phase, is within the most exciting materials in research and technology nowadays due to its unique properties. The very high breakdown electric field and the figure of merit rivaled only by diamond have tremendous potential for the next generation “green” electronics enabling efficient distribution, use, and conversion of electrical energy. Ion implantation is a traditional technological method used in these fields, and its well-known advantages can contribute greatly to the rapid development of physics and technology of Ga2O3-based materials and devices. Here, the status of ion implantation in β-Ga2O3 nowadays is reviewed. Attention is mainly paid to the results of experimental study of damage under ion irradiation and the properties of Ga2O3 layers doped by ion implantation. The results of ab initio theoretical calculations of the impurities and defect parameters are briefly presented, and the physical principles of a number of analytical methods used to study implanted gallium oxide layers are highlighted. The use of ion implantation in the development of Ga2O3-based devices, such as metal oxide field-effect transistors, Schottky barrier diodes, and solar-blind UV detectors, is described together with systematical analysis of the achieved values of their characteristics. Finally, the most important challenges to be overcome in this field of science and technology are discussed

    Дослідження екологічно безпечного одержання молібденвмісної легуючої сировини способом твердофазного відновлення

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    The study has determined an increase of the degree of thermal carbon extraction of the molybdenum oxide concentrate from 11 % to 97 % with an increase in the processing temperature from 873 K to 1373 K, respectively. A further rise in temperature to 1473 K led to a reduction in the degree of recovery to 89 %. The recovery products after treatment at 873–1073 K mostly consisted of MoO2 with some Mo and Mo2C manifestations. Treatment at 1223–1473 K provided a predominance of Mo and Mo2C as to the oxide component. The microstructure of the recovery products was spongy and disordered with varying degrees of sintering, depending on the processing temperature. The alloying of R6M5 steel with the new molybdenum material in experimental industrial conditions provided an increase in the Mo uptake rate from 88.9 % to 95.0 % compared with the standard technology. Improvement of environmental safety is achieved by replacing carbon monoxide and aluminothermic melting of ferroalloy production of Mo with the latest methods of powder metallurgy.Определены кинетические закономерности углеродотермического восстановления оксидного молибденового концентрата в интервале 873–1473 K. Наибольшая степень восстановления 97 % достигнута после обработки при 1373 K с преобладанием в фазовом составе Mo. Микроструктура – губчатая разупорядоченная. Улучшение экологической безопасности достигается заменой углеродосилико- и алюмотермической плавок ферросплавного производства Mo на новейшие методы порошковой металлургииВизначено кінетичні закономірності вуглецевотермічного відновлення оксидного молібденового концентрату в інтервалі 873–1473 K. Найвищий ступінь відновлення 97 % досягнуто після обробки при 1373 K із переважанням у фазовому складі Mo. Мікроструктура – губчаста розупорядкована. Поліпшення екологічної безпеки досягається заміною вуглецевосиліко- та алюмотермічної плавок феросплавного виробництва Mo на новітні методи порошкової металургі

    О переносе ряда понятий статистической радиофизики в теорию одномерных точечных отображений

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    In the article, the possibility of using a bispectrum under the investigation of regular and chaotic behaviour of one-dimensional point mappings is discussed. The effectiveness of the transfer of this concept to nonlinear dynamics was demonstrated by an example of the Feigenbaum mapping. Also in the work, the application of the Kullback-Leibler entropy in the theory of point mappings is considered. It has been shown that this information-like value is able to describe the behaviour of statistical ensembles of one-dimensional mappings. In the framework of this theory some general properties of its behaviour were found out. Constructivity of the Kullback-Leibler entropy in the theory of point mappings was shown by means of its direct calculation for the ”saw tooth” mapping with linear initial probability density. Moreover, for this mapping the denumerable set of initial probability densities hitting into its stationary probability density after a finite number of steps was pointed out. В статье обсуждается возможность использования биспектра при исследовании регулярного и хаотического поведения одномерных точечных отображений. Эффективность трансфера этого понятия в нелинейную динамику продемонстрирована на примере отображения Фейгенбаума. Также в работе рассмотрено применение энтропии Кульбака–Лейблера в теории точечных отображений. Показано, что эта величина информационного характера пригодна для описания поведения статистических ансамблей одномерных отображений. В рамках этой теории выявлены некоторые общие свойства её поведения. Конструктивизм энтропии Кульбака–Лейблера в теории точечных отображений показан также прямым её вычислением для отображения «зуб пилы» с линейным начальным распределением вероятностей. Кроме того, для этого отображения указано счётное множество начальных распределений вероятностей, попадающих в его стационарное распределение вероятностей за конечное число шагов. 

    Ions Beams and Ferroelectric Plasma Sources

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    Near-perfect space-charge neutralization is required for the transverse compression of high perveance ion beams for ion-beam-driven warm dense matter experiments, such as the Neutralized Drift Compression eXperiment (NDCX). Neutralization can be accomplished by introducing a plasma in the beam path, which provides free electrons that compensate the positive space charge of the ion beam. In this thesis, charge neutralization of a 40~keV, perveance-dominated Ar+^+ beam by a Ferroelectric Plasma Source (FEPS) is investigated. First, the parameters of the ion beam, such as divergence due to the extraction optics, charge neutralization fraction, and emittance were measured. The ion beam was propagated through the FEPS plasma, and the effects of charge neutralization were inferred from time-resolved measurements of the transverse beam profile. In addition, the dependence of FEPS plasma parameters on the configuration of the driving pulser circuit was studied to optimize pulser design. An ion accelerator was constructed that produced a 30-50~keV Ar+^+ beam with pulse duration <<300~μ\mus and dimensionless perveance QQ up to 8×\times104^{-4}. Transverse profile measurements 33~cm downstream of the ion source showed that the dependence of beam radius on QQ was consistent with space charge expansion. It was concluded that the beam was perveance-dominated with a charge neutralization fraction of approximately zero in the absence of neutralizing plasma. Since beam expansion occurred primarily due to space charge, the decrease in effective perveance due to neutralization by FEPS plasma can be inferred from the reduction in beam radius. Results on propagation of the ion beam through FEPS plasma demonstrate that after the FEPS is triggered, the beam radius decreases to its neutralized value in about 5~μ\mus. The duration of neutralization was about 10~μ\mus at a charging voltage VFEPSV_{FEPS}~=~5.5~kV and 35~μ\mus at VFEPSV_{FEPS}~=~6.5~kV. With VFEPSV_{FEPS}~=~6.5~kV, the transverse current density profile 33~cm downstream of the source had a Gaussian shape with xrmsx_{rms}=5~mm, which corresponds to a half-angle divergence of 0.87^\circ. The measurements show that near-perfect charge neutralization with FEPS can be attained. No loss of ion beam current was detected, indicating the absence of a neutral cloud in the region of beam propagation, which would cause beam loss to charge exchange collisions. This provides evidence in favor of using FEPS in a future Heavy Ion Fusion accelerator. The FEPS discharge was investigated based on current-voltage measurements in the pulser circuit. Different values of series resistance and storage capacitance in the pulser circuit were used. The charged particle current emitted by the FEPS into vacuum was measured from the difference in forward and return currents in the driving circuit. It was found that FEPS is an emitter of negative charge, and that electron current emission begins approximately 0.5~μ\mus after the fast-rising high voltage pulse is applied and lasts for tens of μ\mus. The value of the series resistance in the pulser circuit was varied to change the rise time of the voltage pulse; plasma density was expected to decrease with increasing values of resistance. However, the data showed that changing the resistance had no significant effect. The average charge emitted per shot depends strongly on the value of the storage capacitance. Lowering the capacitance from 141~nF to 47~nF resulted in a near-complete shut-off of charge emission, although the amplitude of the applied voltage pulse was as high, and rise time as short, as when high-density plasma was produced. Increasing the capacitance from 141~nF to 235~nF increased the average charge emitted per shot by a factor of ~2